Your Secret Powers Of Mind

The power of the human mind is undisputed; it goes back to the teachings of Aristotle, and is one of the fundamental images of humanity – the person with the plan solving the problem, getting play in myths from Theseus to Batman.
Your mind has lot more power than you might think; and the power of mind is indeed a terrible thing to waste. When you can access the power your mind contains, you can use it to change the world around you for the better.
Over the last decade, more and more people have been introduced to the power of the mind. Most notably is the movie called; The Secret. It is an in depth documentary that covers the Law of Attraction.
Everything revolves around the Law of Attraction and the fact that when you think about something, you will attract it to you. So keep that in mind as we get deeper into the subject.
In a way, you can see this effect of mind power at work in clinical trials where it is known as the placebo effect. It’s all about mind over matter. When you think about something; rather, when you believe in something, the power of the mind can make it happen.
Undoubtedly you have seen people ‘think’ themselves sick, and you have seen them ‘think’ themselves well. Our mind power is incredible.
For example, how many times has your alarm gone off, or you had something happen that put you in a foul mood, and you’ve said ‘Oh, great. It’s going to be one of those days…’, only to drag yourself into one bad experience after another, with each one compounding the ill will of the former?
It’s actually the power of the mind that causes this to happen.
If you or someone you know has ever studied the laws of quantum physics, you will know that there really is no such thing as ‘matter’. At subatomic levels everything is pure energy and matter only exists because we are observing it!
It is thought by some scientists that many of the phenomena we have always thought of as supernatural (such as remote viewing, telepathy and the like) are actually perfectly natural and explainable phenomena, though science may be a few years away from understanding the precise mechanisms behind them.
On the extreme end, this leads to solipsism, the belief that nothing is real until you observe it, and the question of ‘If a tree falls in the woods, and nobody’s around, does it make any sound?’
You’ve probably already experienced this a time or two without even realizing it. Maybe you were cutting out coupons and that inner voice told you if you don’t stop you’ll end up cutting your hand. Then of course you didn’t listen to this nonsense and all of the sudden you stick your other hand with the scissors. Granted, it may not have happened exactly like this, but you get the idea.
Lets see how you can use your mind power to get whatever you want out of life.
Initially there must be a goal set in our mind and it must be done in a scrupulous way. The goal however should not contain anything that is not clear. If it is a amount of money that we have set in our mind, the amount must be clearly etched in our thoughts. After this we must drive all our thoughts and mind activities to this goal and will soon see the result.
Once the goal is set, focus your mental actions on achieving that goal. Keep the effort constant; don’t do it in bursts and lags.
There are people though who understand the power of their mind. They work each and every moment very steadily towards what it is they want to achieve. They direct every action and every thought in that direction.
Suppose that there’s a house that is just perfect for you – but it’s not even for sale and you’re not ready to buy a home at the moment. However, the power of the mind can make it all happen.
Suppose we put the theory of the power of the mind to test. We set a goal that we need to have a dream home and then completely become obsessed with the idea of buying such a house. We think about it day and night and even decide the colors of the walls and the other intricacies of the dream house.
Everything you do from now on needs to be focussed on getting that dream house. You could visit the local Home store to choose the color paint you want. You can look at getting the best rate mortgae.
Amazingly, your dream home then comes on the market. Again as if by a miracle events change so that you can afford to get the mortgage. All of the energy you directed to getting it has finally paid off!
This is within your grasp. You can do it – stop letting life happen to you, and you start happening to your life. Make your mind your most powerful asset, and you’ll be astonished at the changes you can make in your life by setting small goals and focusing on them.

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