As the college fund commercials back in the 80s said, ‘the mind is a terrible thing to waste’. The commercial wasn’t really about what we’re going to be talking about here, but the idea is one which can be applied here as well.
Your mind has lot more power than you might think; and the power of mind is indeed a terrible thing to waste. When you can access the power your mind contains, you can use it to change the world around you for the better.
Have you heard about the Law of Attraction? In the last five years it has been a popular topic that has transformed the live of several people around the world.
When you think about things, you attract them to you – whether you do so consciously or not. This is the power of mind.
Scientifically it has been proved that if we really work our mind, life will reap the fruits of betterment and prosperity. Medical science regards this as Placebo Effect and we should always remember the old saying ‘Mind over matter’. This really points out that our mind can in fact can make things happen which ultimately matters in the long run.
It has been scientifically proved that people really can think themselves well and of course the opposite is true as people can think themselves ill.
For example, how many times has your alarm gone off, or you had something happen that put you in a foul mood, and you’ve said ‘Oh, great. It’s going to be one of those days…’, only to drag yourself into one bad experience after another, with each one compounding the ill will of the former?
It is not coincidence, if there is one thing that you should know by now everything happens for a reason. The reason is your mind.
What you will find is that it all revolves around quantum physics. This teaches us that you can create energy around you for anything. Even if we take it a little further, the way it works is your mind creates reality. So if you believe you’re going to get in a car accident, and you keep telling yourself you will, then it’s going to happen. However, we want you to train your mind to work towards the positive things in life.
Many scientists now believe that all so called ‘supernatural’ powers such as esp, telepathy, remote viewing, psychic and clairvoyant phenomena can be explained in terms of quantum theory.
Even though many of us believe this to be phony television, it’s actually part of the quantum physics theory. In short, nothing is solid and instead energy that is created by our minds.
If you could use the power of your mind to make the universe work with you rather than against you, wouldn’t you want to learn how?
There are a few techniques which can help you to do just that; keep reading to learn more about these methods.
Initially there must be a goal set in our mind and it must be done in a scrupulous way. The goal however should not contain anything that is not clear. If it is a amount of money that we have set in our mind, the amount must be clearly etched in our thoughts. After this we must drive all our thoughts and mind activities to this goal and will soon see the result.
It is very important that you are consistent. It has to be done all the time. You must remain focussed and try to ignore all of the distractions which you are bound to get.
The sign of someone who’s goal focused is that they’re very driven. They work each and every moment towards some goal, rather than frittering their time away in unstructured pursuits. When they’re working on a goal, they’re driving towards it, rather than do it a little bit, then get distracted by something else.
Suppose that there’s a house that is just perfect for you – but it’s not even for sale and you’re not ready to buy a home at the moment. However, the power of the mind can make it all happen.
Just think if you walked outside today and said, ‘I’m going to buy my dream home within a few months.’ It sounds good, it probably felt good to say it, but can you visualize yourself doing the work that it takes to get that dream house? This is a common mistake that most people overlook, but if you can picture yourself doing it, then it will be so.
Everywhere we go, our thoughts must be converge on the goal set. It may be the mortgage or the paints and our energies should also work in same lines.
By focusing on this goal and putting your mental energy towards your objective, you can make it happen – don’t be too surprised when your dream home goes on the market and your offer is accepted; and you even get just the right mortgage. It is the power of the mind which has made this come about, not simply good luck.
The point is you need to take control. You need to decide for yourself that having the right affirmations everyday will change your life for the better. If you can do this, you can accomplish anything. Just remember, your thoughts brought you to this article. Now that you’re here, what are you going to do next?
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