Quantum Physics And The Power Of Mind

Who would have thought that decade of the 1980s would have taught us so much about the subconscious mind. We watched high school and college kid’s break into their own worlds in the sixties and seventies, when drugs surfaced around the country. Those were some of the most interesting parts of our history, but with drug use up, the eighties needed some new light on the topic and scientist started looking at ‘the power of mind’.
Your mind has lot more power than you might think; and the power of mind is indeed a terrible thing to waste. When you can access the power your mind contains, you can use it to change the world around you for the better.
In the last few years there has been an interesting concept called the ‘law of attraction’. This came about by the book and film called ‘The Secret’ which deals with the idea of ‘the power of mind’.
It is not magic that we are talking about in here. The power of the mind cannot be harnessed if we do not do the same passionately and with the focus and determination that we have within us. The laws of attraction cannot be implemented in life if it is not properly done. The thoughts that we have really matter a lot since whatever we think of gets implement in our lives.
Proof of this can be seen in scientific studies everywhere, in the medical world it is known as the Placebo Effect. There is an old adage that even evokes the sentiments, ‘Mind over matter.’ That means that if you don’t mind it doesn’t matter, and if you do mind then it will matter.
Undoubtedly you have seen people ‘think’ themselves sick, and you have seen them ‘think’ themselves well. Our mind power is incredible.
All of us have experienced something like this in our own lives. We all have those days where we wake up thinking that this is going to be a bad day – and in fact, these days usually are. This is the power of the mind at work.
And it really isn’t just coincidence. Everything happens for a reason and the reason is the power of your mind.
Science and its theories have proved time and again that our mind is a storehouse of immense possibilities. Quantum physics in this regard have showed us that at the sub atomic level there is no existence of matter and it is energy that exists everywhere at that level. It also says that the presence of the energy is solely because of the observer which thus proves that mind being the observer is immensely powerful and can do magnificent things.
Many scientists now believe that all so called ‘supernatural’ powers such as esp, telepathy, remote viewing, psychic and clairvoyant phenomena can be explained in terms of quantum theory.
Even though you may not have really thought about it too much yet, the power of your mind can be the key to changing your life for the better.
If you could use the power of your mind to make the universe work with you rather than against you, wouldn’t you want to learn how?
There are ways that can be used so the power of the mind can be unleashed to achieve all that we want in our lives.
Initially there must be a goal set in our mind and it must be done in a scrupulous way. The goal however should not contain anything that is not clear. If it is a amount of money that we have set in our mind, the amount must be clearly etched in our thoughts. After this we must drive all our thoughts and mind activities to this goal and will soon see the result.
The direction in which we channelize our thoughts must be unidirectional and must not go hay ho since we need to focus on our goal at all time. However it may sound easy but in reality it is quite difficult since at any given instance a series of thoughts may appear in our mind and thus will not help us in concentrating on a single thing.
Of course many people already know all about their own mind power. Whenever they want anything they focus on what they want and keep working on their goal physically and mentally until they have achieved it.
This puts the full power of their mind on the goal, and every little step helps further it. It’s one of those things that’s so difficult because it’s simple. People expect life changing events to be more involved than ‘Make a goal, and stick with it.’
By learning to control the power of the mind, you can gain the ability to influence the world around you and achieve just about anything you’d like. Suppose that you want a new home. You spend a lot of time thinking about it in great detail, going so far as to visualize how you’ll cultivate the back yard and the colors you’ll paint every room in the house.
You need to focus everything on getting that house. Deciding on what color paint you are going to buy. Enquire about the best deal for a mortgage even if you feel it is beyond your reach at the moment.
And one fine day we will find out that dream house we always wanted is up for sell. The preparations that we have made and all the energies that we gave will now be put to good use. Thus we confirm the deal of buying the house and thus our goal becomes a reality.
You can do this. Stop just letting life happen to you, make it happen for you. Decide on a small goal at first. Clearly define that goal. Do not doubt the power of your mind and you will be amazed at what happens!

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