The Negative Side Of Using Power Of Mind

A commercial which aired frequently in the 1980s used the slogan ‘the mind is a terrible thing to waste’. We’re not talking about college educations here today, but this is a slogan which is absolutely true.
The truth is that we must prevent any aspect in our lives that caters to the sin of wasting our mind power. The practice should be that we endeavor to use the power of the mind in all possible ways imaginable and this will really bring a change in our lives and that too in a massive way. We can accomplish all that we want in our lives by putting the mind to good use.
Touching on this ‘power of mind’ idea is the ‘The Secret’. Millions have bought the book, more than that have watched the movie, and by now, the Internet is flooded with people trying to get you to believe in the Law of Attraction, which is that principle laid bare.
Everything revolves around the Law of Attraction and the fact that when you think about something, you will attract it to you. So keep that in mind as we get deeper into the subject.
One prime example of mind power at work is called the placebo effect. This is named for the clinical trials which use placebos for the control group while giving the actual medication to the other. Both groups think they’re getting the medication, so both often believe them to be experiencing the effects that have been described to them.
When the case study is researched, they test the minds ability to overcome ailments even if they aren’t actually taking any medication. On the flipside, they also observe whether or not a person can make themselves sick just by believing they’re already suffering. Some individuals would simply call this a coincidence.
It’s just one of the many ways we can prove how powerful the subconscious mind can alter your life. Have you ever got up in the morning and decided that it was going to be a dreadful day and that is what happened?
This is because the Law of Attraction and your own negative attitude are pulling bad experiences to you.
Unfortunately you may have a problem with the scientific evidence, but there is plenty. Quantum mechanics explains that there isn’t matter on a subatomic level and it’s actually just energy. While this is true, there are experiments always being done that makes us realize that energy only exists because of the observer. It truly is the real power behind the mind.
It is thought by some scientists that many of the phenomena we have always thought of as supernatural (such as remote viewing, telepathy and the like) are actually perfectly natural and explainable phenomena, though science may be a few years away from understanding the precise mechanisms behind them.
Even though you may not have really thought about it too much yet, the power of your mind can be the key to changing your life for the better.
If you can use the power of the subconscious mind, you can have a wonderful life. However, it all starts with you and the way you train your mind for the future. Understanding the importance that revolves around this matter is only the beginning to your new found success.
Lets see how you can use your mind power to get whatever you want out of life.
We must initially set a clear goal in our mind and this must be done in a categorical way. However The goal that we decide must not be contain a subject matter which is vague for example huge amount of money. We must have the amount precisely in our mind and then channelize all our thoughts and energy to think about that fixed amount.
Once the goal is set, focus your mental actions on achieving that goal. Keep the effort constant; don’t do it in bursts and lags.
All those who already understand the power of their mind constantly work towards their goals. There is no room for being stagnate and just wishing things would be better.
Since their minds are in control and they are putting all of their resources towards attaining their goals, they make it a reality. It all sounds so easy, but it is not quite as easy as it may seem.
Suppose we put the theory of the power of the mind to test. We set a goal that we need to have a dream home and then completely become obsessed with the idea of buying such a house. We think about it day and night and even decide the colors of the walls and the other intricacies of the dream house.
You begin putting all of your energy towards this goal, taking steps like angling for a promotion so you can make the money you need to purchase this new home, start thinking about how you’ll do the work necessary to set things up exactly the way you’d like and even researching how to get the best possible mortgage.
And one fine day we will find out that dream house we always wanted is up for sell. The preparations that we have made and all the energies that we gave will now be put to good use. Thus we confirm the deal of buying the house and thus our goal becomes a reality.
You are going to have to deal with all the ins and outs of the subconscious mind. It’s important for you to understand that you can change your life by creating everything around you. This takes us back to the theories around quantum physics again and that it truly is mind over matter.

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